Young Artist Program 2021
2021’s Young Artist Program continued Dance Hub SA’s mission to contribute to choreographic development in Australia.
It was open to all dance styles, The Young Artist Program (YAP) at Dance Hub SA was a uniquely placed 2-week project focused on delivering choreographic development. It is the opportunity to explore, craft and create through workshop, skills development and professional mentorship. The Young Artist Program culminated in a live streamed studio-showing where each participant presented a choreographic idea or short work to the public.
The Young Artist Program is like a pickaxe. It’s given me the ability to dig deeper into the mine that is my choreographic process, chipping closer and closer to the gold that’s buried within. With the support of Alison Currie and Dance Hub SA, I think all the participants are about to hit a gold rush. Sam Hall 2020 participant
Young Artists:
Mimi Yoshii,
Chelsea Turner, Alix Kuijpers, Fern Mines, Chloe Moir
The 2021 program took place from Dec 6 – 19 2021
The 2021 Mentors
We engaged the skills and knowledge
of two mentors for the 2021 program.
Lina Limosani & Adrianne Semmens
supported artists through this process, sharing
their experience and expertise.
The YAP program has allowed me the time, space and freedom to develop an idea. It has given me a space to play, a space to mess up, to start again, while being surrounded by innovative peers and mentors. – Zoe Gay (YAP 2019)
The Young Artist Program has been great to create alongside other artists in Adelaide and to be given the opportunity to create a dance work with a safety net. With no pressure involved it allows room for trial and error, which for me allowed for more creativity to flow and the ability to test new choreographic and improvisation techniques.
Andrew Barnes 2020 participant
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